5 Tips For Ensuring Photographs Of Your Bali Villa Appeal To Holidaymakers

If you own a Bali villas business, are you 100% certain that you are marketing it effectively?
If you are in any doubt, that could be due to some concern about the lack of rental enquiries you are receiving, with that manifesting itself in your villa having empty weeks.
Any week your Bali villa is empty is a week it is not generating you any revenue.
One of the problems could be that your villa is not being shown to maximum effect due to photographs that are not as good as they should be.
Bear in mind that one of the primary ways that potential renters will assess your Bali villa is visually, and if the photographs published of your villa are not of a sufficient standard, it can adversely influence them.
Replacing the current photographs of your Bali villas with photographs that show them in an enhanced way, can be done in one of two ways.
The first is to hire a professional photographer, however, that can be expensive, and you may not always have control over what they create.
Alternatively, you could take new photographs yourself, and if so, here are five ways to ensure that the photographs you take are guaranteed to impress those who see them.
#1 Use High-Spec Photography Equipment: One of the mean reasons so many promotional photographs of villas are poor is they were taken using mobile phones or tablets. These are fine for taking selfies, but this is your business, so invest in buying or hiring a top-quality camera, a tripod, and lighting as a minimum, to ensure that every photograph you take of your villa is the highest quality it can be.
#2 Carefully Consider What You Include In The Photographs: It is of little use if all you do is take random photographs throughout your villa. Instead, before you begin, walk around the property, and note which are your villa’s best features and also what areas of the villa will be most used by those who rent it. Then, take multiple photographs of each feature or area on your list.
#3 Use Different Angles And Perspectives: For the photographs of your Bali villa to stand out from the crowd, you want to make them unique. Everyone has seen standard photos of swimming pools, but how about one taken at water level whilst you are standing in it? How about using ladders to take a photograph from above the patio? In other words, be as imaginative as you can with the perspectives and angles you take each photograph from.
#4 Take Photos At Different Times Of The Day: Another simple, but highly effective way to have enhanced photographs of your Bali villa is to take them at different times of the day. Of course, you want several during the day when everything is well lit, but do not rule out night-time photos. These can provide excellent atmospheric images, especially with the darker blue sky in the background and the area being photographed lit up by lamps or even candles.
#5 Have People In Some Of The Photographs: What better way to have potential renters imagine themselves living in your villa than them to see other people doing exactly that? So, have some, though not all of your photographs depicting people in the pool, sunbathing, or sitting around their al fresco dinner table enjoying a meal together, for example.